Saturday, 16 July 2022

Hired for Khilafat

[Al-Quran 33:35, Translation: Dr. Mustafa Khattab]: 

People ask why The Quran speaks to men, and why does it only describe the rewards they will get in the Hereafter. They also object that it doesn't detail the reward that women can expect in the Gardens of Eternity. Why are the details of the rewards for women not been spelled out? 

In business communication meetings, the employer invites the relevant employees to communicate whatever they need to be informed about, so that they are able to perform their jobs well. Generally, their families are not invited to the business communication meetings. 

The Bible, Genesis 1 26-28, informs us that Allah created humans (men and women) in His Image to rule over all living creatures. Genesis 2 7 informs us about the creation of the man who came to be known as Adam. It also mentions the creation of his wife especially for him (Genesis 2 20-23), as his help meet. Genesis 3 narrates the Fall of Adam, and the Divine Decree that Adam will rule over his wife (Genesis 3 16). 

The Quran also describes two creation stories: the general one, and the Adam one. It informs us that Adam was specifically created for the Khilafat of the Earth (Q2:30). It speaks of the covenant taken from Adam (Q20:115) and all the prophets (Q33:7). It holds Adam responsible for his Fall, as the covenant had been taken from Adam (Q20:121). The Quran contains an entire surah titled An-Nisa` (Women), containing some detailed instructions regarding women, requiring humans to keep their duty regarding Allah, and the womb. Men are made in charge of women (Q4:34). It also mentions the danger they are in from Satan (Q4:119). 

The Quran addresses the men because they have been hired to rule according to the khilafat of the earth role that Adam was created for. They have roles and responsibilities that they must fulfil. Their renumeration package is also spelled out in detail.  

They have been blessed with a family in this world, and in the Hereafter also they are promised reunification with the righteous among their families: 

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