Friday 27 September 2024

Wondering Aloud

the solution to our issues ... 

Establishing Allah's Deen 

Wasn't Allah's Deen and Shariah of Islam the Law of the Land for almost thirteen centuries in Muslim-ruled lands? Till the Khilafat was disbanded, about a hundred years ago? 

Weren't there good people in power, and bad people in power, throughout those ages? 

Wasn't there less crime in society when the cases were judged according to Allah's revelations? 

Will establishing the Deen and Shariah lead to a reduction in crimes in society?  

Is losing a hand a deterrent against theft?  

Is losing life a deterrent against murder? 

Is being flogged publicly a deterrent against zina? 

Is being flogged publicly a deterrent against being a false witness? 

Q5:33 ???? 





Abolishing Riba 

During Muslim khilafat, was any form of Riba a part of the economy? 

How did economies flourish in the absence of Riba? 

What was the source of wealth? 






Before modern medicines, how were people healed of diseases? 

Antibiotics and other medicines became popular in the past century or two; before that what happened? 

Before Ibn Sina, what did Muslims do to heal their sick? 

How was illness treated by the Believers of Monotheistic religions? 

Why did modern Muslims embrace modern medicines?  




Heading the Muslim nation / Muslim ummah

One Khalifa for the entire ummah?

Khilafat govenorate in each country?

Governerate, social democracy, presidential form of government or what else???  

Difference between khalifa and king?

How is the khalifa made accountable? 

Checks and balances to ensure Just Rule? 

Who chooses the head of state? Everyone, or a Shura of Select People who understand the Deen (Law)? 

Who forms / selects the Shura of Select People? 





Roles & Responsibilities of a Muslim Head of State  

Improving Economy? 

Creating jobs? 

Legislating laws? 


Ruling according to Allah's Deen? 

Establishing Prayer? 

Collecting and distributing Zakah? 

Forbidding and containing evil? 

Encouraging and commanding good? 

Establishing social justice?

Equitable justice? 

Ensuring nobody sleeps hungry? 

Fighting oppression?  





Monetary System  

How can we get rid of fiat currency?

Which commodity holds best value?

Can gold dinar and silver darahim be introduced again as legal currency?

How did people spend / buy when gold and silver coins were used as currency?





Repayment of Loans  

The government keeps on taking loans to improve the economy? 

Is there an earnest intention to repay these loans? 

If the government decides to repay the loans, will the nation accept it, or will they strive to replace the ruling party? 

How and when will these loans be repaid?

In the context of our Deen, as each debt must be repaid, if it is not paid in this world, what are the consequences for the individual citizens, and society as a whole? 



Last updated on: October 1, 2024