Friday, 12 August 2022

as-Salaat vs Yoga

Yoga, primarily practiced in South Asian polytheistic traditions, has grown in popularity globally. Many persons from the Abrahamic faith also perform yoga as a form of exercise. There are varying opinions whether it is permissible or not. The following is a comparison between the as-Salaat (the Abrahamic form of prayer) and yoga:  

1: Contact

as-Salaat (contact prayers) is the Abrahamic form of establishing regular contact with Allah, the only God. 

Yoga (yug or yuj (unite or yoke)) is the polytheistic form of establishing contact with their deities. The root of the word is found in a hymn to the rising sun-god in Rigveda 5.81.1

2: Movements & Poses

as-Salaat comprises of physical movements and poses of submission to Allah, the only God. 

Yoga comprises of physical movements and poses for submission to their deities. Though modern yoga poses are claimed to be secular, ancient seals discovered from the ruins of Indus Valley Civilisation depict yoga poses. 

3: Words

as-Salaat (for Muslims) comprises of Arabic words of guidance from al-Quran and words celebrating the perfection of Allah, the only God. Jews and Christians also have their form of as-Salaat including words from their scriptures. 

Yoga comprises of Sanskrit words (mantra) of devotion to their deities, introduced by the practitioners, and the guiding philosophy for life. 

4: Number of Times

as-Salaat is enjoined five times a day upon Muslims, upon Jews thrice, and Christians identify seven prayer times from their scriptures. 

Yoga  ... 

5: Timings

as-Salaat is to be established from the decline of the Sun (afternoon) till Fajr (dawn prayers), that is, till before sunrise. 

Yoga (modern) includes surya namaskar poses, whose time follows the Sun cycle across the sky; great importance is attached especially to sunrise and sunset. 

6: Protection

as-Salaat is to seek Allah's protection from evil 

Yoga poses aim to channel the serpentine energy from the root, through the chakras, to eventually open the third eye 

7: Eternal

as-Salaat is a most important ritual for the remembrance of Allah. The compensation of the successful nafs (soul) in the Hereafter will be its permanent reinstallation in its body on the Day of Judgement. Those who lose their nafs (soul) on that Day will suffer the most profound loss.    

Yoga is about eternal liberation of the soul from its body. 


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Last updated on: August 14, 2022

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