Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Repentance of the Pakistani Muslim

 Ya Allah, 

We asked for this land in your name, and we used your name. We wrote in our Constitution that we will judge according to your revelation, and we didn’t legislate accordingly (Q5:50). We wanted a place where we could live according to Islamic principles, and we failed morally, socially, culturally, economically and financially. We did not establish Your Deen and Shariah in our land, let alone be of much use to Muslims globally. You made us militarily strong, and we kept boasting about our military strength, yet we did not liberate the oppressed (Q4:75-76). As a people, we have only done lip-service to Islam, without really submitting to Your Deen (Q4:60-61, Q4:105, Q15:37). We are blame-worthy. You had warned us that You will make us taste our mutual violence, and we have reached that sorry state (Q6:65). If You choose to replace us, we have indeed not served You well. Please don’t let us be of those about whom Prophet Muhammad   will declare that they abandoned The Quran (Q25:30). 

Help us repent sincerely. When the people of Jonah (Yunus عليه السلام) repented and reformed, You forgave them. Ya Allah, grant each one of us do our own tazkiya, right the wrongs we can, and bless us with Your Grace and Mercy. We are indeed in need of whatever good you bestow upon us. Grant us sincerity to Your Deen. Fill our hearts with gratitude for Your Guidance. Please forgive us. Aameen. 

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